Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Dogs Birthday Party

Yes, Scruff was invitged to a birthday party - for another dog.

We brought a present and people food - which was both immedialty consumed by birthday dog...

The said hound was camera shy - though didn't mind showing off his bling ( rhinestone studded collar) I managed to catch Scruff about to give him a birthday kiss... or something

It was a bizzare experience and one I need to write about further.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Blissed out Lilly

A photo taken at the Buddhist Temple of Lilly after classes - but showing me how she meditates.. how blissed out does she look?

Monday, March 22, 2010


Another sketch prompted by the calmness of the temple yesterday.  pure bliss.calm and serene...

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Buddhist Monk

I take Morgan and Lilly to the buddhist temple on a Sunday for meditation and tai chi lessons.  I took my sketch pad today and tried to capture the joy in the faces of the monks as they walked past.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Pain in Waiting

 This weeks prompt for Fiction Friday over at Write Anything inspired this picture, which in turn has inspired my story.  Check them out!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Reclining Male

good grief!! some colour... and on some brown paper - just for some added interest in texture...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Ducks out for a walk

Its been so wet and miserable.. even the ducks have abandoned their usual nesting places and been looking for dryer areas to hang out in.

Heres a shot I've just taken - right near our house of a mother duck and her babies toddling along the street looking for a safe place to be.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


another of the merfolk... pressed again up on the windows.. looking in....

Monday, March 8, 2010


I've had a re-occuring dream over the last few days involving a reserach station in the middle of the ocean and merfolk.  Its snatches and I cant seem to hear the story... am hoping by sketching them it will come clearer.

Todays picture is of one of the mermen - pressed up against the large glass observatory windows overlooking the depths within the station.

My lack of knowledge of male anatomy requires me to go and perve at men in gyms... purly for artisitc purposes - obvioulsy.... any takers?

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Karate Tournament

This is a photo, straight from my new toy - my IPhone of me at the marshall desk at the State Titles Tournament.  Yep - this is where I sat all day - eyes on the time, hand on the buzzer and kept time.

I also had to keep record for the score and of the penalties ( see the board in front of me with the flip over things)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

A week gone by

How distressing to find that I've not lifted a pencil or created a piece of art for a week

Must do better.... without my daily committment, I've not achieved anything better or greater within my writing... indeed I've been poorer for it.

Olaf colour

this time in colour - Olaf fighting. - Character from Star Manics by Nick