Monday, January 25, 2010

Sorrow in Haiti

I don't watch a great deal of news, but caught the tail end of a report on Haiti.  The camera passed by a group of children who had been beaten up as they scrambled for food.  This was the look one gave the camera. Sorrow and horror, disbelief.  he had gashes with blodd freely pouring over his face and his eyes were puffed from crying.

Really terrible.. and I don't think I'll sleep tonight thinking about him.

1 comment:

  1. For years I kept a photo of young blonde Kurdish boy sitting among ruins after the first war with Iraq in 1991. The image haunted me for a long time.

    Glad that you have the outlet of sketching to try to process/purge. I haven't watched the news for weeks now and part of me is glad that I'm not.


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Olaf colour

this time in colour - Olaf fighting. - Character from Star Manics by Nick